Website Terms Of Use – General

Website Terms Of Use – General

  • Place of law

  • Using your intellectual property

  • Limitation on liability

Unlike a shopping centre store, you cannot ask unruly customers to leave. Your terms of use or terms and conditions tell your customers how they can engage with you through your website and what their responsibilities are, and the limits to your offerings.

Website Disclaimer – Coaching

Website Disclaimer – Coaching

  • Qualifications

  • Coaching not done for you

  • Customer self responsibility

If you have a website that provides information related to your coaching services, you can use this template to create a disclaimer which limits your liability when people use or rely on that information. The disclaimer makes it clear to people what the information can be used for and what it should not be used for (eg that your services may not be evidence based). That is particularly relevant for people providing life coaching services around health and wellbeing where the coaching arises from a lived experience rather than a professional qualification.

Website Disclaimer – Coaching

Website Disclaimer – Earnings

  • Examples only

  • Past performance not future guarantee

  • Customer self responsibility

If you have a website that provides information to help people grow their earnings, wealth or business, you can use this template to create a disclaimer which limits your liability when people use or rely on that information. The disclaimer makes it clear to people what the information can be used for and what it should not be used for (eg it should not be considered financial advice).

Website Disclaimer – Coaching

Website Disclaimer – Ecommerce Physical

  • Delivery liability

  • Variations in product

  • Shipping costs separate

Disclaimers are all about managing your customer expectations and letting them know the limits to what you can do for them. For example, if you are not a doctor, but someone who has lived with a debilitating illness, then the information you share is not medical advice. We’ve created different disclaimers to fit different types of businesses to make it easier for you to find one that suits you.

Website Disclaimer – Coaching

Website Disclaimer – Ecommerce Digital

  • Information only

  • No liability for customer internet

Disclaimers are all about managing your customer expectations and letting them know the limits to what you can do for them. For example, if you are not a doctor, but someone who has lived with a debilitating illness, then the information you share is not medical advice. We’ve created different disclaimers to fit different types of businesses to make it easier for you to find one that suits you.
