

You probably want to use the personal information of your clients or customers at some point to promote your business. If you are running podcasts, you are also interviewing people and want the ability to keep using their information. Personal information is not just contact details, it includes photos and videos showing someone’s face, and audio using their voice.

These templates are designed to help you obtain a person’s agreement on some important legal issues, including acknowledgement that you are the owner of any photos and recordings and that you can freely use or edit them for business purposes.

Whenever you are using personal information, you should get permission from the person whose information you are using. These consent forms can be used to show that you gained permission from someone before using their personal information. 

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  • All Templates
  • Consent
  • Children
  • Interview

Use this template when interviewing someone to keep:

  • Video or audio recordings,
  • Photography,
  • Use of photos or videos supplied
  • Taking or keeping a written record of interview responses.


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